Site Rules
1. Be Respectful & Professional
This is a community for contractors, tradespeople, and industry professionals. Treat others with respect, professionalism, and courtesy. Harassment, hate speech, or personal attacks will not be tolerated.
2. Keep Discussions Relevant
Stay on topic within forum threads and groups. Off-topic posts may be moved or removed by moderators.
3. No Spam or Self-Promotion
Blatant advertising, affiliate links, or unsolicited promotions are not allowed. If you want to promote a service, please use designated advertising opportunities.
4. Job Listings & Hiring Guidelines
All job listings must be genuine opportunities. Misleading job postings, fake listings, or unethical hiring practices are strictly prohibited.
5. Confidentiality & Privacy
Do not share private or confidential information, including personal contact details, without consent. Discussions about business dealings should remain professional.
6. No Illegal or Harmful Content
Do not post anything that is illegal, fraudulent, harmful, or violates intellectual property rights.
7. Respect Forum Moderators
Moderators are here to ensure a positive experience for all members. If you have concerns, reach out to moderators privately instead of disputing moderation actions publicly.
8. Report Issues & Violations
If you see rule violations, report them to site administrators. Do not engage in public disputes over rule enforcement.
9. Membership Conduct
Paid members must adhere to the same guidelines as free members. Violating rules may result in suspension or termination of access without a refund.
10. Changes to Site Rules
These rules may be updated periodically. It is the responsibility of members to stay informed and adhere to updated policies.